Películas de misterio de 박용우

Películas de 박용우 filtradas por género

🎭 Lim Ho-shin
From a mountain peak in South Korea, a man plummets to his death. Did he jump, or was he pushed? When detective Hae-joon arrives on the scene, he begins to suspect the dead man’s wife Seo-rae. ...
🎭 Mr. Park
Un hombre cada doce horas despierta en el cuerpo de una persona distinta, pero sin ser capaz de recordar quién es y dónde está. De esta manera comienza una búsqueda desesperada de su identida ...
🎭 Kim In-kwon
In 1808, an imperial investigator arrives on an idyllic island to investigate a series of grisly murders. The locals believe that a ghost is responsible, taking revenge for a wrongful execution s ...