Películas familiares de 고규필

Películas de 고규필 filtradas por género

🎭 Dong-gwang
Mal-soon is a tough granny in a shanty town in Busan. In front of her, 12-year-old Gong-ju appears with her baby sister Jin-ju on her back. Gong-ju claims that she is the daughter of Mal-soon’s ...
🎭 Woo Young's Father
I will call you! So you better answer your phone!
In the year 2020, a homestay is being conducted for male and female teenagers in preparation for a union between North Korea and South Korea. No ...
🎭 Ki-seok
A rebellious high school student sees his life take a strange turn when he goes to the grocery store and someone leaves a baby in his shopping cart, along with a note claiming he's the father. ...