Películas dramáticas de 서예지

Películas de 서예지 filtradas por género

🎭 Yoon Jung-won
A woman who looks after her paralyzed mother while holding down a part-time job decides to kill herself. Meanwhile, a man who works as a police officer—and who, as a child, saw his own mother c ...
🎭 Kang Yoo-sin
A policeman discovers a love affair between his teenage daughter and her teacher which leads him back to an unsolved murder case he investigated 10 years ago. ...
🎭 Queen Jung-soon
El rey Yeongjo condena a muerte a su propio hijo, el príncipe heredero Sado, a quien no considera apto para gobernar. Debe encerrarse en una caja de madera durante 8 días hasta que muera de asf ...