Películas de animación de 佐久間紅美

Películas de 佐久間紅美 filtradas por género

🎭 Touko Hizuki
Haruki spends most of his time with friends and fellow classmates Airi and Ayana. All seems well, that is until Airi and Ayana form separate clubs, the Mechanical Science Club and the Chemical Sc ...
🎭 Sachie Ishida (voice)
Six months after the events of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie 1st, Fate has returned to Uminari City with Lindy as her legal guardian and is living the life of a normal elementary schoolg ...
🎭 Fey (voice)
Fey, the beautiful and innocent daughter of a wealthy land owner, made friends with her maid Sophia and her friend John. But when she was sent to a school she left John in the care of Sophia, now ...