Películas de aventuras de 大野木寛

Películas de 大野木寛 filtradas por género

🎭 Screenplay
Nobita’s troubled about what to do with his zero test marks once again. A gust of wind scatters his test papers and he falls into a garbage dump trying to gather them together again. There he f ...
🎭 Screenplay
In Ayodhya, the royal palace of Kosala Kingdom in Ancient India, four princes were born to three queens, each of whom grew to great stature. Banished for 14 years due to court intrigue, Prince Ra ...
🎭 Writer
Summary of Super Dimension Century Orguss TV series. The story focuses on Lt. Kei Katsuragi, a fighter pilot. His mission is to protect a new bomb while it is being planted. The bomb, the Space/T ...