Películas dramáticas de 鷲尾真知子

Películas de 鷲尾真知子 filtradas por género

🎭 Kazuki's Teacher
Kazuki de 14 años de edad, tiene una vida solitaria y antisocial. Vive con su madre, aunque siente que no tiene el amor necesario por parte de esta. Hiroshi Haruyama es un chico problemático qu ...
🎭 Kuzuoka
The year is Seitoku 2 (1712), and Japan has a new ruler. But Ietsugu, the 7th Tokugawa shogun, is only four years old. The power vacuum this creates has Edo Castle roiling in political intrigue a ...
An adaptation of the Shotaro Ikenami novels, set in the historical Edo period, and centered on Fujieda Bayan, a medicine man and doctor by day, but ruthless killer for hire by night. His tools of ...
🎭 Teruko, Kinuyo's friend