La mujer de Lorenzo

La mujer de Lorenzo

1 Temporada(s)
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Valoración tmdb 7,3

In everyone's eyes, Laurita and Lorenzo have what everyone considers to be the perfect marriage. Lorenzo is a handsome, rich and well educated man running his own fashion house while Laurita is beautiful and elegant: the ideal woman for a man like him.However, the truth is that Laurita is bored with her marriage and is convinced that she is in love with Alex her personal trainer. In order to avoids being peniless in her divorce she wants to trick her husband into getting with Silvia for him break their fidelity clause. Isabela, Lorenzo's former fiancee, also arrives from abroad with intentions of taking over Lorenzo's company as an act of revenge against Lorenzo and Laurita.

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In everyone's eyes, Laurita and Lorenzo have what everyone considers to be the perfect marriage. Lorenzo is a handsome, rich and well educated man running his own fashion house while Laurita is beautiful and elegant: the ideal woman for a man like him.However, the truth is that Laurita is bored with her marriage and is convinced that she is in love with Alex her personal trainer. In order to avoids being peniless in her divorce she wants to trick her husband into getting with Silvia for him break their fidelity clause. Isabela, Lorenzo's former fiancee, also arrives from abroad with intentions of taking over Lorenzo's company as an act of revenge against Lorenzo and Laurita.
1 Temporada


Título original:
La mujer de Lorenzo
Duración episodios:
44 min
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