Chok Chita Snekam

Chok Chita Snekam

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revenge of love Two young men with very different lives. Instead, they had to experience the same fate on the night of the red moon. Phasawas (Alek Theeradej) is a popular model. Living life downhill because of drug addiction Must escape the headless police Sun while Tech (Krating Khunnarong), a young pilot who has been promoted and should have a good life as he had planned. If he hadn't had a car accident with a motorcycle of Phasawat before. This incident caused both of them to switch bodies. Which is not only the lives of both of them that have changed. But instead, Phasawan and Tej discover the truth that will destroy their lives forever.

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revenge of love Two young men with very different lives. Instead, they had to experience the same fate on the night of the red moon. Phasawas (Alek Theeradej) is a popular model. Living life downhill because of drug addiction Must escape the headless police Sun while Tech (Krating Khunnarong), a young pilot who has been promoted and should have a good life as he had planned. If he hadn't had a car accident with a motorcycle of Phasawat before. This incident caused both of them to switch bodies. Which is not only the lives of both of them that have changed. But instead, Phasawan and Tej discover the truth that will destroy their lives forever.
1 Temporada


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