Películas dramáticas de Ricardo Blume

Películas de Ricardo Blume filtradas por género

🎭 Balo Arrieta
Balo, Villarán and Domingo are lifelong friends in their 80s, attending the funeral of their fourth comrade, Quique. On a whim, and fueled by their animosity towards the departed's shrewish wife ...
🎭 Eduardo "El Sabio"
Turmoil becomes the order of the day when a Mexican theatrical company begins its rehearsals of absurdist philosopher Albert Camus's “Caligula” for an influential upcoming international theat ...
🎭 Padre Miguel
Eugenia is a former pop singer who is bedridden and dying of cancer. She is cared for by her daughter, Helena, who dreams of traveling the world and wishes she could be a glamorous pop star like ...
🎭 Senador García Luna
Malboro and Cucu, the starring characters, are two brothers who split after the older one, Malboro, went to prison five years. One day he is set free, willing to return to his life. Cucu is the y ...
🎭 Montero Sheaffer
It presents the struggle of the first unionized workers, after a strike for the implantation of the eight-hour day and the union right, in the sugar valleys of Peru. It is the story of the first ...
🎭 Alfonso
Marcela, a former film star, seeks tranquility in the suburbs after marrying a wealthy industrialist. Her past haunts her with admirers and daily violence. Overwhelmed by a distant husband, a dem ...
🎭 Mario
Two men and a beautiful woman are involved in a three-way relationship during a trip to Machu Picchu. ...

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