Series sobre crímenes Jeffrey Johnson

Series de Jeffrey Johnson filtradas por género

🎭 Morgan Stewart
A Las Vegas team of forensic investigators are trained to solve criminal cases by scouring the crime scene, collecting irrefutable evidence and finding the missing pieces that solve the mystery. ...
🎭 Kent Fontenau
A formerly blacklisted spy uses his unique skills and training to help people in desperate situations. ...
🎭 Nelson Tunney
From murder and espionage to terrorism and stolen submarines, a team of special agents investigates any crime that has a shred of evidence connected to Navy and Marine Corps personnel, regardless ...
🎭 Mike Casper
Una antropóloga forense y un engreído agente del FBI forman equipo para investigar las causas de los homicidios que investigan. ...
🎭 Ethan
La serie trata sobre una unidad ficticia del FBI, compuesta por tres hombres y tres mujeres, que se encargan de solucionar las desapariciones de personas en Nueva York, tratando de aclarar si han ...

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