Filmografía de Emese Vasvári como actor

Películas protagonizadas por Emese Vasvári

🎭 angoltanárnő
As a result of a drug experiment, Misi will be able to travel through time, but only if he drinks from a special homemade spirit. ...
The renowned anarchist teacher Count Ervin Batthyány reappears 100 years after his death. He tries to put his theories into practice again, as he realises that the world has not turned out as he ...
🎭 Mesi
By the notes of Fiáth Pompeiusz, the one-time friend of Kapa and Pepe, Professor Szirtes has solved the secret of the time machine, and he realizes the invention relying on "special" H2O. Kapa a ...
🎭 Nővér
Iván is living in exile from Hungary when he receives word that an old flame is ill. His return to Budapest rekindles old memories and reopens old wounds. ...
🎭 Emese
This time, Kapa and Pepe are first of all prisoners of war – and convicts taken to forced labor service, Jews, Hungarian soldiers, German soldiers. Once they are to be executed, then again they ...
🎭 Emese
Waiters’ competition at Heroes’ Square in the late thirties. Dressed as waiters, Kapa and Pepe awake in the bronze chariot of the millennial sculpture group. They drive along the Danube prome ...
🎭 Emese
Kapa, Pepe and Mesi would like to buy a scrapyard of trains, to start a nostalgia train and earn a lot of money. The capital to start with they want to get from grandpa, who has come home from Am ...
🎭 Emese
In the Kerepesi Street cemetery, three grave diggers contemplate the fate of the world, then they step out of this role and in a sequence of episodes they play the typical figures of contemporary ...
Ildiko runs a campsite, close to nature, far from the hustles and bustles of the capital. Ildiko is excited to learn that her former teacher from secondary school will pay them a visit. Ildiko gl ...
A couple of two middle-aged women and the stuffy atmosphere of a little Hungarian town – will it end in a witch-hunt? A painter moves in with her partner, an art teacher. The rumors spread fast ...